For the first time, I’m a bit uncomfortable with something said over the pulpit. I’m in California, and the Church is part of a coalition of many churches participating in the campaigning for Proposition 8, which would amend the California constitution to define a marriage as between a man and a woman. I believe this proposition was in the works anyway, but with the recent California Supreme Court case finding that denying marriages to those of the same gender is unconstitutional, the momentum for the proposition has taken off.
My feelings on this matter are mixed. On the one hand, I would be disappointed if the Church did not actively support this proposition. On the other hand, there are other aspects of our laws that are not in accordance with the gospel. Why is the Church coming down on this issue and not others? Of course I recognize my bias because of the feelings I have towards other men. Every day I tell myself that I’m not a bad person, and this proposition seems to say the opposite. From a gay person’s point of view, the proposition is an attack on their civil liberties which they just recently won in court. So, this is a difficult issue for me. I’m not sure how I will vote on this measure let alone what I will do or say if I’m asked to contribute financially to the campaign or to contribute time to the campaign. I know our stake will be asked shortly for volunteers to conduct surveys, but that’s all I know for sure.
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