Friday, October 28, 2011

Funny Question

I went running earlier this week with a friend of mine who knows I'm attracted to guys.  It had been awhile, so after the run, we talked for a bit to catch up.  He wanted to know how my wife and I are doing.  Then he asked me something funny.  "You know how guys like a certain part of a woman?  What's your favorite part of a guy?"  I was stunned he would actually ask me that.  He said he was curious because I was his only gay friend.  After laughing pretty hard because I did not expect that question, I realized I didn't have an answer.  I told him that I guess because I'm in such a desert for male affection that any part seems good.  I admit I've admired almost every part of a guy before.  The only exceptions that I could think of were noses and ears.  They've never done much for me.  Then I threw out a few celebrities I thought were hot.  He agreed with me that Ryan Reynolds is a god.  Too funny.  It made my day that a straight friend would care enough to ask how I was doing and was curious enough to ask something personal, but kind of fun to talk about.

Now it's off to a Halloween party, but being a good Mormon group of people, I doubt they'll be in shirtless guys.  Oh well...


Beck said...

I find it amazing that you actually had this conversation. I've never had such a conversation with a straight guy... I'm not sure how I'd answer either - sure, the ripped abs and piercing eyes come to mind, but I could be attracted to anyone out here in this "desert of male affection". :)

recover and thrive said...

that is awesome